Saturday, July 09, 2005

A New Wakeup Method...

Arlo: Okay, I found a new way to wake up the Fat, Bearded, Idiot...And it is a doozy...IIt's dangerous,but COMPLETELY worth it !! Before you attempt this, make sure you have a GOOD hiding place...I mean,like spider hole good...Then, wait for the male to fall asleep(this one is pretty much for the males, it won't work quite the same on a female)...I call it...THE BALL STOMP...I waited for the Fat, Bearded, Idiot to doze off on the couch, then I climbed up on top of the couch...and CANNONBAAAAAALLLLL....Dropped right onto the family jewels, then bounced onto the floor and took off...Man, it was sweeeet...I have never heard the sounds that jackass made before...I thoroughly enjoyed it...But I was pretty lucky that he didn't find me...So feel free to use it, my friends...but be careful...And have your escape route well thought out and practiced.

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