Saturday, August 27, 2005

"I Like Knocking Shit Over"

Arlo: There, I have said it...I like knocking shit over...I thoroughly enjoy it...It makes my freakin' day !!! It doesn't matter what it is...Though I must admit, I particularly like knocking over things that shatter...Ooooh, man, that is sweet, like Christmas and New Year's all rolled up in one package...What's that ? What's the best thing I have ever knocked over ? That's easy...The lava lamp...Man, that was sweet...And you know what ? I did that one on the Fat, Bearded Idiot's birthday !!! That was awesome !! He and the Lady and their friends went to the baseball game to see his precious fucking New York Mets play the Dodgers, and I took advantage of the freedom to take out that lava lamp !! The floor was covered in oil and water and wax...Man, it was priceless !! Happy Birthday, you jackass !! Man, that was awhile ago, five years or so, I think.. I don't know that I have broken anything of value(either monetary or sentimental) since then...Hmm, I should get busy...Anyone have any ideas ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »