Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Didn't Think They Could....

But Burger King managed to make that fucking Burger King even CREEPIER.

have you seen the new commercials ?
He's a futuristic robot now.



Anonymous said...

Everybody laughs at me when I tell them that the king creeps me out so bad that I'm boycotting them until they get rid of him. And the people in the King3000 ads are so obnoxious I probably still wouldn't eat there.

Fenwick said...

Mike- AMEN !!!! I will not eat any of their food off of the floor until they get rid of him either !!I don't care if that Fat,Bearded Idiot drops a whole Whopper on the floor,I will not touch it !!!
Thanks for the visit and the comment.

Zoooma said...

I had BK about a month ago -- Heaven on a stick! Soooooooo goood!! My first time eating fast food in about 3 years. Hopefully I go another 3 before I do again.

As for as the new commercial... i find it funny that when the woman says the King has nice hands, her tone of voice is rather sexual AND she glances downward... where the King's hands are... but it looks like she's glancing down at his package and I don't mean the brown bag that your food comes in.