Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is This Thing On?

Can you hear me?

Damn!! It's been nearly 3 years since I typed some shit out on this blog! 3 years!!??!!? Can that be? I guess it can, because it seems that it is., or something like that.

You would think 3 years would give me an awful lot to write about...Um...Yeah, about that. I'm pretty much still the same fly cat you always knew, yo!

I hang. I eat. I poop. I puke. I meow. You know,

all the fly shit that cats do, I do too.

What I have NOT been doing is sharing my shit with you, and that needs to S.T.O.P. right about now.

I am BACK babies, and better than ever.

Here's a pic of me freaking out the Fat, Bearded, Idiot.

peace out, homies...And I promise to stay in touch!!