Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"The Descent" Is Fucking Creeeeeepy !!

SPOILER ALERT- Plot points to the spelunking horror movie "The Descent" will be revealed below-You have been warned.

Allow me to set the scene: Saturday night, approximately 8:00 p.m., living room of MY apartment. Fat, Bearded Idiot and Nice Lady on the couch, THINGS nestled in their cages. Yours truly, splayed on the floor, stealthily watching the television(they are not aware that I actually watch it) which has a rerun of Scrubs on(I love that TiVO), a perfectly peaceful Saturday night...Until...They put on a fucking movie a fucking craaaaazy, spooky, creeepy fucking movie. "The Descent". Have you seen this thing ? Jesus to tha Christ, it scared the shit outta me.
Why the fuck would anyone want to go spelunking, anyway ?

This shit was crazy. They go into some cave that ain't on no map, they get attacked by creepy cave dwelling creatures, they get all eaten and shit It's madness, man. Why would anyone watch this thing on purpose ? That Fat Bearded Idiot has a screw or two loose, my friend. Just like the main character in the movie. Did you see it ? Maybe you can answer this question- Do you think that maybe there were no cave creatures ? That she went crazy and killed everyone ? She certainly was crazy at the end of it. And I got to thinking, what if the attacks by the cave people didn't make her crazy, what if she went crazy, and then she attacked her friends ? Think about it.
Did I just blow your mind a little bit ?


Anonymous said...

I plan to watch it soon. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fenwick,

I hope you will take sink sink socks' wise comments to heart.



bmahfood said...

That was a very creepy movie, especially because of the ambiguous ending. There will definitely be a sequel because the question you raised (whether the creatures are real or she is insane, or both) MUST be answered.

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carrie said...

i did not like that movie, but i agree with your guess that it may've actually been the woman who did it.

Rashenbo said...

I watched it not too long ago and yeah... it was pretty twisted. Not too bad though. :) I do believe my husband and I looked at each other when the credits rolled and said, "WTF?"