Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Waking Up Humans Is F-U-N!!!!!!!!!!!

Arlo: Damn staright it is. Man, I don't think there is anything I enjoy more.
Fenwick: Well, I don't know...I...
Arlo: Cut the shit, man. The only reason you don't do it more is because I'm faster and more efficient at it than you.
Fenwick: Yeah, you're probably right. The Fat, Bearded Idiot is kinda mean about it sometimes.
Arlo: Yeah, but it's soooooooo totally worth it...when that vein in his fat forehead throbs, and he mutters and tries to think up new curse words to call us ? Man, that is PRICELESS !!!
Fenwick: It is kinda funny, I guess.
Arlo: Shit yeah, it is. And there are so many ways to do it. I think my favorite is stepping on his balls-serves him right for still having them-but you can't go wrong with the pointless meowing, or the running madly around the house, or even breaking something somewhere in the house-that's one of the best, because then they have to clean it up.
Fenwick: Yeah, that's why really noisily throwing up is good too, they not only wake up, but then they have to clean up puke. High five on that.
Arlo: Yeah, totally up top on the puking. Plus then they have to try and act concerned as well.It is such an awesome enterprise, waking up the humans.
Fenwick: It is. You have convinced me. What should we do tonight ?
Arlo: Here take a look at these plans I drew up this morning...